:- module('simple RPS+http://tests.com',[]). en("the target language is: prolog. % the templates are: *a choice* beats *a choice*, *a person* inputs *a choice* and *an amount*, *a person* gets *an amount*, the game is a draw. the knowledge base simple RPS includes: scissors beats paper. paper beats rock. rock beats scissors. a first player gets a prize if the first player inputs a first choice and an amount X and a second player inputs a second choice and an amount Y and the first player is different from the second player and the first choice beats the second choice and the prize is X+Y. the game is a draw if a first player inputs a first choice and an amount X and a second player inputs the first choice and an amount Y and the first player is different from the second player. a player gets an amount if the game is a draw and the player inputs a choice and the amount. scenario mbj is: miguel inputs paper and 100. bob inputs paper and 1000. % jacinto inputs paper and 1000. query gets is: which person gets which amount. query draw is: the game is a draw. query different is: jacinto is different from bob. "). /** ?- answer gets with mbj. ?- answer(gets, with(mbj), le(Explanations), R). */